Cool Your Jets - Sports Medicine Boots

Sports medicine boots protect your horse’s legs from impact with other legs or objects and prevent over-stretching tendons. They are designed to absorb the impact as the horse’s hoof hits the ground, minimizing the chances of injury to the tendon and ligament. Sports medicine boots wrap around the horse’s lower leg and are equipped with a support strap under the fetlock. Some boots have attached bell boots if you need complete leg protection. 

Many veterinarians recommend sports medicine boots for horses with bowed tendons, ligament injuries, and arthritis. In addition to providing support, studies have shown sports medicine boots absorb up to 26% of total energy and up to 45% of energy from hoof impact while preventing hyperextension of the fetlock.

Should I use Medicine boots on all four legs?

Horseback riders in many disciplines love the convenience of sports medicine boots because they are easy to use. However, there is a debate on whether you should put boots on all four legs. The short answer is yes.

There are many benefits to using sports medicine boots on all four legs. The hind legs are prone to injuries, just like the front legs. Using boots ensures your horse doesn’t injure their back legs and provides tendon support. While boots are not guaranteed to prevent leg injury, they significantly decrease the chances of suspensory injuries.

Additionally, horses wearing boots on the front legs often place more weight on their forehand than those wearing no boots. Veterinarians theorize that this is due to the front feet feeling more comfortable because of the support given by the boots. The weight distribution returns to normal when all four legs are wrapped. 

How do I pick the right sports medicine boot for my horse?

With many options for horse owners, it can be challenging to pick the right sports medicine boot for your horse. Most boots will provide the protection and support you are looking for and are made of neoprene material. Neoprene traps heat. 

When you work your horse, their tendons will heat up and increase the risk for injury. This is one of the reasons you shouldn’t leave boots on for long periods. Trapping the heat for an extended period can compromise the horse’s leg. Make sure to look for neoprene-free boots, like the 2X Cool Sports Boots, to prevent overheating and tendon injury. 

There are lots of fun colors to choose from with medicine boots so that you can get very creative. If you are competing, ensure the boots you purchase are allowed in your discipline. Some disciplines have color preferences, while others restrict certain boot types entirely. It’s essential to check your regulations before your show.

How should I wash my sports medicine boots?

One of the most significant benefits of sports medicine boots is how easy they are for busy horseback riders. After a ride, simply remove the sports medicine boots, spray with a hose, and allow them to air dry thoroughly. You can scrub them with mild detergent and rinse them every few weeks. Sports medicine boots with infrared or magnet technology have special care instructions. Contact the manufacturer if you are unsure of the best way to wash these.